Data from European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) 2023 EU LGBTIQ Survey III shows intersex people face alarmingly increasing levels of violence
On May 14th 2024, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published the third edition of its survey on LGBTIQ people, providing up-to-date information on the lives of LGBTIQ people in the 27 EU…
Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey – Intersex Analysis
On May 3rd, ILGA Europe published the fourth report of Intersections, its series of reports that seek to deep-dive into the data of the European Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) 2019 LGBTI Survey II. This briefing, on…
Intersex youth face discrimination, physical violence and harassment
Intersex youth deserve an educational environment which helps them develop their full potential and make them feel included, safe and free from harassment and discrimination. They deserve school programs which promote bodily and personal diversity…
Intersex People face obstacles in regards of legal recognition
Everyone has the right to respect for their private life. This is what we read in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (Article 7) and in the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 8). Gender…
Intersex people in Europe face housing and economic difficulties
For the first time, the FRA LGBTI Survey 2019 shows us statistical data on the issues of housing and economic difficulties for intersex people living in Europe. Among all LGBTI respondents intersex people are the…
Intersex people in Europe face physical violence and harassment
Unfortunately, as the latest FRA LGBTI report reveals, many intersex people in Europe suffer from physical and sexual attack based on being intersex. They even turn out to be the most affected among all LGBTI…
Recent survey shows high rate of discrimination of intersex people in Europe
It was on December 10th, 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” and “all are entitled to equal protection against any…
EP LGBTI Intergroup Session: “Human Rights of Intersex People in Europe”
The European Parliament Intergroup on LGBTI Rights organised a discussion with Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights in the European Parliament in Strasbourg on September 8th. Further speakers were: Dennis VAN DER…
Launch of “Human Rights and Intersex People” (CHRCoE) and “The fundamental rights situation of intersex people” (FRA)
Recording of the intersex side event of May 12th at IDAHO Forum 2015 in Montenegro where the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, Council of…