Equality at risk – Sign now to defend your rights!
The European Commission plans to withdraw the proposed Directive on anti-discrimination. Sign to demand its reconsideration and keep working towards EU protection against discrimination in all areas of life. In a disheartening step backward for…
Equality betrayed: Commission unilaterally gives up on anti-discrimination law
European Civil Society condemns the European Commission’s announcement to withdraw the proposed Directive on anti-discrimination as a betrayal of fundamental rights at a critical moment for democracy and equality in the EU. On 12 February,…
Good Practice Map 2021
Today, on the 17th of May 2022, OII Europe is proud to present its 2021 Good Practice Map! The map highlights advancement achieved in 2021 towards the better protection of intersex human rights across Europe.
Good Practice Map 2020
Today, 17th of May 2021, OII Europe is proud to present the Intersex Good Practice Map 2020. The map features nine examples of good practices from the areas of policy action, data collection, monitoring, legal…