OII Europe Follow Up COVID-19 Intersex Survey 2022

Two years after the original 2020 OII Europe COVID-19 Survey, to assess the impact of the pandemic on the intersex community in Europe throughout the 2,5 years of the pandemic, the OII Europe Follow Up COVID-19 Intersex Survey 2022 was launched on August 12th, 2022. The survey was open for 35 days.

The survey was launched in 6 languages: English, French, German, Greek, Russian and Turkish

47 Intersex people and 2 family members participated in the survey.

Survey participants came from 12 EU member states (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Sweden) & 6 non EU countries (Iceland, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine).


For intersex participants the main areas of their life being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic were:

  • mental health (68%)
  • health (55%)
  • intersex activism (53%)
  • travel (47%)
  • employment (30%)
  • finances (30%)
  • human rights 26%

In comparison, the 2020 survey results were:

  • mental health (67%)
  • travel (64%)
  • finances (41%)
  • intersex activism (38%)
  • employment (32%)
  • health (29%)
  • education (18%)
  • personal safety (11%)
  • housing (5%)

Percent of intersex participants answered positively that hate speech and/or hate crimes has increased towards them or intersex community in their country throughout the pandemic: 30%

Percent of intersex participants shared that they did not feel safe in their place of living and with people they live with: 6%

Percent of intersex participants answered that the COVID-19 pandemic impacted their housing situation: 13%


Survey participants rated their mental health throughout the past 2,5 years as: 4,6 out of 10

Survey participants rated their mental health right now as: 5,6 out of 10

Intersex participants that did experience COVID-19 symptoms: 53%

Intersex participants that reported having long COVID symptoms: 30%

Survey participants rated their physical health throughout the past two years as: 5,5 out of 10

Intersex participants whose health issues that had already existed before the pandemic had
aggravated during the pandemic:

Intersex participants that developed health issues during the pandemic: 28%

Intersex survey participants that are fully vaccinated and boosted: 62%


Intersex participants that said their income has decreased during the pandemic: 43%
compared to 41% in 2020

Intersex participants that hold the pandemic directly responsible for worsened financial situation: 23%

Intersex participants that reported losing their job because of the pandemics impact: 4%
compared to 18% in 2020, & 32% in 2020 reporting the the pandemic affecting their employment situation compared to 22% in 2020

Intersex respondents that reported having to leave their place of education because of the pandemics impact: 6%
compared to 22% in 2020

Intersex participants that experienced bullying in their place of education during the pandemic: 9%

Intersex participants that have traveled during the pandemic: 38%
out of them none encountered problems – compared to 64% of intersex participants reporting in 2020 the pandemic affecting their traveling plans


Most commonly used word when talking about their life during the pandemic in their quotes was the word “isolated”

Participants also reported:

  • a lot of events happening in their lives,
  • traveling
  • participating in in-person meetings less and the challenge this caused to their mental health

Number of participants who said the pandemic changed the frequency/way participants were meeting up with other intersex people or hosting intersex community meetings/event: 43%