OII Europe Publications
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Az Interszex emberek emberi jogainak védelme. Hogyan segíthetsz te?
OII Europe is exited to announce the translation of “Standing up for the human rights of intersex people – How can you help?” into Hungarian. The translation of the Toolkit was initiated by Magyar LMBT…
OII Europe Annual Report 2016
Over the course of the year, OII Europe managed to reach all the goals initially set forth for the year as well as additional goals set forward as the year progressed. On an advocacy level,…
Derechos Humanos Y Personas Intersex – documento temático (español)
We are happy to present the spanish translation of the Issue Paper on “Human Rights and Intersex people” by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Mr. Nils Muižnieks (Derechos Humanos Y…
Issue Paper COHR – Themenpapier
We are happy to present the german translation of the Issue Paper on “Human Rights and Intersex people” by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Mr. Nils Muižnieks! The paper comprehensively…
Défendre les droits humains des intersexués – comment être un allié efficace?
Information about intersex in 23 languages and more to come
intervisibility.eu The place for stories of intersex people across Europe. OII Europe launches European website with information on intersex in 23 languages on the 8th of November 2016. Today OII Europe is proud to announce…
Interseks bireylerin insan haklarını savunmak. Nasıl yardım edebilirsiniz?
OII Europe is exited to announce the translation of “Standing up for the human rights of intersex people – How can you help?” into Turkish. The translation of the Toolkit was initiated as a cooperative…
OII Europe Flyer
last updated May 17, 2022 Learn more about our work, our goals, who intersex people are and what human rights violations they face in our informational flyer. You can download it in the following languages:…
Standing up for the human rights of intersex people – how can you help?
2015 has been a year of great successes for intersex activists in Europe and beyond. But of course, much more is needed to achieve real change and have an impact on the life of intersex…
Statement of OII Europe on Intersex, Disability and the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
Introduction The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the latest human rights treaty body to address the violations of the rights of the intersex community. The Committee’s recommendations to the Federal Republic…
A preliminary study on the life situations of inter* individuals
Human Rights between the Sexes A preliminary study on the life situations of inter* individuals With the present study by Dan Christian Ghattas the Heinrich Böll Stiftung names the largely invisible discrimination against intersex individuals…