OII Europe Annual Report 2019
We are happy to present our activities and successes of 2019 within our Annual Report 2019! You can download the Annual Report as a pdf here:
Good Practice Map 2019
OII Europe launches 2019 Good Practice Map: Intersex Rights Still Under Attack in Europe, But There are Good Examples Today, 15th of June 2020, OII Europe is proud to present the Intersex Good Practice Map…
Intersex people in Europe face housing and economic difficulties
For the first time, the FRA LGBTI Survey 2019 shows us statistical data on the issues of housing and economic difficulties for intersex people living in Europe. Among all LGBTI respondents intersex people are the…
Intersex people in Europe face physical violence and harassment
Unfortunately, as the latest FRA LGBTI report reveals, many intersex people in Europe suffer from physical and sexual attack based on being intersex. They even turn out to be the most affected among all LGBTI…
Recent survey shows high rate of discrimination of intersex people in Europe
It was on December 10th, 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” and “all are entitled to equal protection against any…
Letter to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán: in regards to Article 33 of the proposed Omnibus Bill, 2020
Together with ILGA-Europe and TGEU we have sent a joint letter to the Hungarian government to stop the attack on legal gender recognition. In the letter, we list the international calls to #Drop33 of a…
Kako podržati vaše interspolno dijete – Priručnik za roditelje
Supporting your intersex child – A parents’ toolkit in Croatian Is it a boy or a girl? This is the question that is asked the world over when someone gives birth. Many parents will answer…
#MyIntersexStory – Personal accounts by intersex people living in Europe
OII Europe Press Release (download as PDF)November 8th, 2019 Check out our campaign website under You can download our publication as a PDF (17,9 MB) under the following link:
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