Proteger a las personas intersex en Europa: Una caja de herramientas para la elaboración de leyes y políticas públicas
Nos complace anunciar y compartir con ustedes la versión en español del Legal Toolkit de ILGA-Europa y OII Europa: “Proteger a las personal intersex en Europa: Una caja de herramientas para la elaboración de leyes…
Covid-19 Survey Report
Survey shows: intersex people are highly vulnerable during the Covid-19 pandemic Press Release 09. December 2020 (Download this press release as PDF) Today, 9th of December 2020, OII Europe published the survey report ”Covid-19. A…
Protéger Les Personnes Intersexes En Europe
Nous sommes heureux de partager avec vous aujourd’hui la version française “Protéger Les Personnes Intersexes En Europe : Guide Pour Les Législateur Ice S Et Les Décideur Euse S Politiques” de la boîte à outils…
A milestone: European Commission publishes the first ever EU LGBTIQ Strategy
Download our press release as PDF Today, on the 12th of November 2020 the European Commission has published the first ever EU LGBTIQ strategy. It is the first policy framework specifically combatting discrimination against LGBTI…
OII Europe’s 5th Anniversary Birthday Messages
Thanks once again everyone for your wonderful contribution to OII Europe’s 5th anniversary! Your amazing birthday messages allowed us to compile the following Birthday Video with all the birthday wishes.
OII Europe Birthday Streams 2020
This year OII Europe celebrated its 5th birthday (after registering as a charitable NGO). Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemy we also had to switch to an online format but hope we all will be…
Intersex Lives
Intersex Lives – our 2020 campaign website This campaign is based on a workshop during the previous OII Europe Community Event in Zagreb 2019. During the workshop the intersex community collected and shared short personal…
Steun je intersekse kind
Wat is intersekse? Is het een jongen of een meisje? Dit is de vraag die overal ter wereld wordt gesteld wanneer iemand bevalt. Veel ouders zullen die vraag zonder nadenken beantwoorden. Maar voor een aanzienlijk…
Intersex youth face discrimination, physical violence and harassment
Intersex youth deserve an educational environment which helps them develop their full potential and make them feel included, safe and free from harassment and discrimination. They deserve school programs which promote bodily and personal diversity…
Intersex People face obstacles in regards of legal recognition
Everyone has the right to respect for their private life. This is what we read in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (Article 7) and in the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 8). Gender…
Not a ban. Albania misses the chance to clearly address intersex children’s health from a human rights perspective
OII Europe Press Release July 16, 2020 In July 2020, the Albanian Ministry of Health released a “Medical Protocol for the Assessment of Children with Atypical Genital Development” (“Protokoll Mjekësorpër Vlerësimin E Fëmijëveme Zhvillim Gjenital…
OII Europe Good Practice Map 2019 Launch Event (video)
For presenting the Intersex Good Practice Map 2019 we created our first facebook live event and invited two guests to speak about the OII Europe Good Practice Map 2019!The map features eight examples of Good…