Really Germany?
Germany misses the chance for basing its 3rd gender marker law on human rights. On December 13th Germany adopted the so-called 3rd gender marker law which establishes “diverse” (German: “divers”) as a third gender marker…
My Intersex Story
This video was created during OII Europe’s Second Intersex Community Event and Conference in Copenhagen in February 2018. Text by Mathilde and other participants of the Community Event.
Protect Intersex Children!
Being born and growing up as an intersex person in today’s society can still be a challenge. However, with love and awareness of everyone, of parents, doctors and institutions, it is possible to grow and…
Apoiar a sua criança intersexo
É rapaz ou rapariga? É esta a pergunta que é feita em todo o mundo quando alguém dá à luz. Muitos pais e muitas mães responderão a essa pergunta sem terem de pensar muito. Mas…
Soutenir son enfant intersexe
Est-ce un garçon ou une fille ? C’est la question que tout le monde pose quand un·e enfant vient au monde. De nombreux parents répondront à la question sans trop d’hésitation. Mais pour un certain nombre…
İnterseks çocuğunuzu nasıl destekleyebilirsiniz?
Oğlan mı, kız mı? Birisi doğum yaptığında tüm dünyada önce bu soru sorulur. Anne ve babaların bir çoğu bu soruyu pek düşünmeden yanıtlar. Bazıları içinse bunun yanıtı daha karmaşıktır. İnterseks çocuğunuzu nasıl destekleyebilirsiniz? (PDF)
Að styðja intersex barn – leiðarvísir fyrir foreldra
Er það strákur eða stelpa? Þessi spurning er borin upp um allan heim þegar barn fæðist. Margir foreldrar svara spurningunni umhugsunarlaust. En fyrir talsverðan fjölda fólks verður svarið flóknara Að styðja intersex barn – leiðarvísir…
Supporting your intersex child – A parents’ toolkit
Is it a boy or a girl? This is the question that is asked the world over when someone gives birth. Many parents will answer that question without much thought. But for a significant number…
Υποστηρίζοντας το ίντερσεξ παιδί σας
Είναι αγόρι ή κορίτσι; Αυτή την ερώτηση κάνουν σε όλο τον κόσμο όταν γεννιέται ένα παιδί. Πολλοί γονείς θα απαντήσουν σε αυτό το ερώτημα χωρίς πολλή σκέψη. Αλλά για ένα σημαντικό αριθμό η απάντηση θα…
Protecting LGBTQI rights in Europe. Submission to CM/Rec(2010)5
[You can find the report on the ILGA Europe and TGEU website as well.] OII Europe has joined forces with ILGA and Transgender Europe on the submission to the second review of the Council of…
We are excited to present the Spanish translation of our toolkit “Standing up for the human rights of intersex people”
List of intersex specific shadow reports to UN committees from CoE Region and from countries monitoring the CoE Region – Update March 2024
Download our list of intersex specific shadow reports from CoE Region and from countries monitoring the CoE Region with links to them | March 2024 NOTE If any of the links doesn’t work or isn’t…