Parents’ Toolkit
Supporting your intersex child – A parents’ toolkit
What is intersex?
Is it a boy or a girl? This is the question that is asked the world over when someone gives birth. Many parents will answer that question without much thought. But for a significant number the answer will be more complex.
Also check out this beautiful video“Protect Intersex Children”
Unterstützen Sie Ihr intergeschlechtliches Kind
We are happy to present the German translation of our parents toolkit Supporting your intersex child – A parents’ toolkit! This version has been amended with information on the situation in…
Supporting your intersex child – A parents’ toolkit (Italian version)
We are happy to present our Italian parents toolkit “Supporta lə tuə bambinə intersex” in the Schwa-version! Il testo originale in inglese usa “they” (“loro”) piuttosto che lui o lei come…
Podpořte své intersex dítě
Je to dívka, nebo chlapec? To je otázka, kterou si po narození dítěte kladou rodiče po celém světě. Mnoho z nich na tuto otázku bez většího přemýšlení dokáže odpovědět. Pro nemalý…
Të Mbështesësh Fëmijën tënd Interseks
Çfarë është interseks? A është djalë apo vajzë? Kjo është pyetja që shtrohet në të gjithë botën kur dikush lind. Shumë prindër do t’i përgjigjen kësaj pyetjeje pa u menduar gjatë.…
Apoyando a tu hijo(a) intersex
¿Qué es intersex?¿Es un niño o una niña? Esta es la pregunta que se hace en todo el mundo cuando nace un bebé. Muchos padres responderán esa pregunta sin pensarlo mucho.…
Steun je intersekse kind
Wat is intersekse? Is het een jongen of een meisje? Dit is de vraag die overal ter wereld wordt gesteld wanneer iemand bevalt. Veel ouders zullen die vraag zonder nadenken beantwoorden.…
Supporting your intersex child – A parents’ toolkit (Arabic & Farsi versions)
We are delighted to present two new translations of our Parents Toolkit ”Supporting your intersex child“ into Arabic and Farsi. We thank our allies from who have so kindly provided…
Kako podržati vaše interspolno dijete – Priručnik za roditelje
Supporting your intersex child – A parents’ toolkit in Croatian Is it a boy or a girl? This is the question that is asked the world over when someone gives birth.…
Поддержка вашего интерсекс-ребенка
Мальчик или девочка? При рождении ребенка этот вопрос задают по всему миру. Многие родители ответят на этот вопрос, особо не задумываясь. Но для значительного количества родителей это более сложный вопрос. Поддержка…
Supporting your intersex child – A parents’ toolkit (serbian version)
Is it a boy or a girl? This is the question that is asked the world over when someone gives birth. Many parents will answer that question without much thought. But…
Wspieranie interpłciowego dziecka
Czym jest interpłciowość?Dziewczynka, czy chłopiec? To pytanie słyszy się na całym świecie po urodzeniu dziecka. Większość rodziców odpowiada na to pytanie bez zastanowienia, ale dla duzej liczby rodziców odpowiedz jest bardziej…
Apoiar a sua criança intersexo
É rapaz ou rapariga? É esta a pergunta que é feita em todo o mundo quando alguém dá à luz. Muitos pais e muitas mães responderão a essa pergunta sem terem…