Our Policy team is growing: Welcome to our new staff members Irene Amoroso and Jana Hugo!
Please meet our two new Policy Officers of OII Europe, Irene Amoroso and Jana Hugo! Irene already joined our team in 2020 as a trainee, afterwards she stayed as a Policy Associate and now she…
Zaštita interseks osoba u Evropi: Priručnik za pravnike i zakonodavce
We are excited to present the Serbian language translation of the OII Europe and ILGA-Europe Legal Toolkit “Protecting Intersex People in Europe: A toolkit for law and policy makers”. This edition has been made in…
OII Europe statement on the new IOC framework
On November 16, 2021, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced the launch of a groundbreaking new framework on Fairness, Inclusion and Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity and Sex Variations*. This framework was created…
#MyIntersexStory now translated into Spanish & French
We are very happy to present our translated editions, in Spanish and French, of our testimonial book “#MyIntersexStory – Personal accounts by intersex people living in Europe” with fifteen testimonies by intersex people and their…
Submission: Violence and its impact on the right to health
Updated: 2. August 2022 We submitted our questionaire respond to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, that will…
Welcome Irene Kuzemko, our Community & Capacity Building Officer
Please meet our Community and Capacity Building Officer, Irene Kuzemko! Irene is an intersex activist from Russia and Ukraine and has been active in the intersex movement since 2015. During the past 1,5 years, Irene…
Supporting your intersex child – A parents’ toolkit (Italian version)
We are happy to present our Italian parents toolkit “Supporta lə tuə bambinə intersex” in the Schwa-version! Il testo originale in inglese usa “they” (“loro”) piuttosto che lui o lei come pronome neutrale per tuttз,…
Attachment briefing for European Statistics on Population consultation
Prepared by ILGA-Europe, OII Europe, TGEU and IGLYO Currently European statistics on population (ESOP) do not collect statistics on respondents’ sexual orientation, gender identity or sex characteristics. These statistics are essential for the inclusion of…
Joint Submission to the European Court of Human Rights: L.B. v France
OII Europe, together with AIRE Centre (Advice on Individual Rights in Europe), the Dutch Council for Refugees (DCR), the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), ILGA-Europe, and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) put…
Submission to the Constitutional Court in Bulgaria
OII Europe submitted a letter of observations to the Bulgarian Constitutional Court with contextual information regarding practical obstacles faced by intersex people seeking legal gender recognition, and in the matter of the interpretation of the…
Towards an evaluation of the Victims’ Rights Directive
Submission prepared by OII Europe From the introduction:The Victims’ Rights Directive, in its current form, does not yet recognize intersex people as victims of bias motivated crime, in particular gender-based violence, and as victims with…
Inclusion of LGBTI learners in schools
Pathways to School Success Consultation Inclusion of LGBTI learners in schools A joint submission prepared by IGLYO, TGEU, OII Europe and ILGA-Europe From the introduction:Exclusion, bullying and harassment in educational institutions is still a problem…