Information about intersex in 23 languages and more to come
intervisibility.eu The place for stories of intersex people across Europe. OII Europe launches European website with information on intersex in 23 languages on the 8th of November 2016. Today OII Europe is proud to announce…
Happy Intersex Solidarity Day & Intersex Day of Remembrance!
November 8th 2016 Today we celebrate Intersex Solidarity Day and we thank all our friends, allies and collegues who support us in our fight for Intersex Human Rights! This day is also known as the…
Interseks bireylerin insan haklarını savunmak. Nasıl yardım edebilirsiniz?
OII Europe is exited to announce the translation of “Standing up for the human rights of intersex people – How can you help?” into Turkish. The translation of the Toolkit was initiated as a cooperative…
We are here: Intersex Youth
The voices we need to listen to are the voices of Intersex youth. They express the same feelings towards unconsented treatment, pathologisation and societal shame and stigma as the generations. Five young intersex individuals speak…
FRA side event on LGBTI children rights + OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting
On the 29th of September 2016, during the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting of the OSCE in Warsaw, the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union held a side event focusing on LGBTI children and youth.…
Intersex person speaks in the European Parliament for the first time ever today
Brussels 16/06/2016 Intersex person speaks in the European Parliament for the first time ever today In an historical first this afternoon, the European Parliament heard from an intersex person on the rights and needs of…
[VIDEO] Frontline Dispatches: Intersex Children And Medical Sex Assignment – Whose Right To Choose?
“European countries have been slow in recognising and upholding the human rights of intersex people and the gender diversity they represent,” wrote Nils Muižnieks, the Commissioner for Human Rights, in a ground-breaking 2015 report on…
Council of Europe Committee on Bioethics discusses protection of intersex and trans children and young people
On the 31 May 2016 the Council of Europe Committee on Bioethics discussed the protection of the human rights on intersex and transgender children and young people in their meeting in Strasbourg. Kitty Anderson (OII…
OII Europe Flyer
last updated May 17, 2022 Learn more about our work, our goals, who intersex people are and what human rights violations they face in our informational flyer. You can download it in the following languages:…
Standing up for the human rights of intersex people – how can you help?
2015 has been a year of great successes for intersex activists in Europe and beyond. But of course, much more is needed to achieve real change and have an impact on the life of intersex…
INTERVIEW: Intersex and the City
Huffington Post interview with OII Europe’s Co-Chair Miriam van der Have and OII Australia’s President Morgan Carpenter